State-of-the-art algorithms for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search (ANNS) such as DiskANN, FAISS-IVF, and HNSW build data dependent indices that offer substantially better accuracy and search efficiency over data-agnostic indices by overfitting to the index data distribution. When the query data is drawn from a different distribution - e.g., when index represents image embeddings and query represents textual embeddings - such algorithms lose much of this performance advantage. On a variety of datasets, for a fixed recall target, latency is worse by an order of magnitude or more for Out-Of-Distribution (OOD) queries as compared to In-Distribution (ID) queries. The question we address in this work is whether ANNS algorithms can be made efficient for OOD queries if the index construction is given access to a small sample set of these queries. We answer positively by presenting OOD-DiskANN, which uses a sparing sample (1% of index set size) of OOD queries, and provides up to 40% improvement in mean query latency over SoTA algorithms of a similar memory footprint. OOD-DiskANN is scalable and has the efficiency of graph-based ANNS indices. Some of our contributions can improve query efficiency for ID queries as well.
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6-DOF的视觉定位系统利用植根于3D几何形状的原则方法来对图像进行准确的摄像头姿势估计图。当前的技术使用层次管道并学到了2D功能提取器来提高可扩展性并提高性能。但是,尽管典型召回@0.25m类型的指标获得了,但由于其“最差”性能领域,这些系统仍然对实际应用(如自动驾驶汽车)的实用性有限 - 在某种程度上提供不足的召回率的位置。在这里,我们研究了使用“位置特定配置”的实用性,其中将地图分割为多个位置,每个位置都有自己的配置,用于调节姿势估计步骤,在这种情况下,在多摄像机系统中选择摄像机。在福特AV基准数据集上,我们证明了与使用现成管道相比,我们证明了最大的最差案例定位性能 - 最小化数据集的百分比,该数据集的百分比降低了一定的误差耐受性,并提高了整体定位性能。我们提出的方法尤其适用于自动驾驶汽车部署的众群体模型,在该模型中,AV机队定期穿越已知的路线。
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我们研究了优化高度光滑的凸起功能的复杂性。对于正面整数$ P $,我们想找到$ \ epsilon $ - 占凸函数$ f $的批量最低,假设$ p $ th衍生物的oracle$ f $是lipschitz。最近,三个独立的研究小组(江等,2019年,Plmr 2019; Gasnikov等,Plmr 2019; Bumr 2019,Plmr 2019)开发了一种用$ \ tilde {o}解决这个问题的新算法(1 / \epsilon ^ {\ frac {2} {3p + 1}})$ Oracle呼叫常量$ p $。已知这是用于确定性算法的最佳(最多为日志因子),但是已知的随机算法的下限与此绑定不匹配。我们证明了一个与此绑定(最多为日志因子)匹配的新绑定,并且不仅适用于随机算法,而且不仅适用于量子算法。
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Pennylane是用于量子计算机可区分编程的Python 3软件框架。该库为近期量子计算设备提供了统一的体系结构,支持量子和连续变化的范例。 Pennylane的核心特征是能够以与经典技术(例如反向传播)兼容的方式来计算变异量子电路的梯度。因此,Pennylane扩展了在优化和机器学习中常见的自动分化算法,以包括量子和混合计算。插件系统使该框架与任何基于门的量子模拟器或硬件兼容。我们为硬件提供商提供插件,包括Xanadu Cloud,Amazon Braket和IBM Quantum,允许Pennylane优化在公开访问的量子设备上运行。在古典方面,Pennylane与加速的机器学习库(例如Tensorflow,Pytorch,Jax和Autograd)接口。 Pennylane可用于优化变分的量子本素体,量子近似优化,量子机学习模型和许多其他应用。
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Learning policies from fixed offline datasets is a key challenge to scale up reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms towards practical applications. This is often because off-policy RL algorithms suffer from distributional shift, due to mismatch between dataset and the target policy, leading to high variance and over-estimation of value functions. In this work, we propose variance regularization for offline RL algorithms, using stationary distribution corrections. We show that by using Fenchel duality, we can avoid double sampling issues for computing the gradient of the variance regularizer. The proposed algorithm for offline variance regularization (OVAR) can be used to augment any existing offline policy optimization algorithms. We show that the regularizer leads to a lower bound to the offline policy optimization objective, which can help avoid over-estimation errors, and explains the benefits of our approach across a range of continuous control domains when compared to existing state-of-the-art algorithms.
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Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men worldwide and the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. One of the prognostic features in prostate cancer is the Gleason grading of histopathology images. The Gleason grade is assigned based on tumor architecture on Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stained whole slide images (WSI) by the pathologists. This process is time-consuming and has known interobserver variability. In the past few years, deep learning algorithms have been used to analyze histopathology images, delivering promising results for grading prostate cancer. However, most of the algorithms rely on the fully annotated datasets which are expensive to generate. In this work, we proposed a novel weakly-supervised algorithm to classify prostate cancer grades. The proposed algorithm consists of three steps: (1) extracting discriminative areas in a histopathology image by employing the Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) algorithm based on Transformers, (2) representing the image by constructing a graph using the discriminative patches, and (3) classifying the image into its Gleason grades by developing a Graph Convolutional Neural Network (GCN) based on the gated attention mechanism. We evaluated our algorithm using publicly available datasets, including TCGAPRAD, PANDA, and Gleason 2019 challenge datasets. We also cross validated the algorithm on an independent dataset. Results show that the proposed model achieved state-of-the-art performance in the Gleason grading task in terms of accuracy, F1 score, and cohen-kappa. The code is available at
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Lack of factual correctness is an issue that still plagues state-of-the-art summarization systems despite their impressive progress on generating seemingly fluent summaries. In this paper, we show that factual inconsistency can be caused by irrelevant parts of the input text, which act as confounders. To that end, we leverage information-theoretic measures of causal effects to quantify the amount of confounding and precisely quantify how they affect the summarization performance. Based on insights derived from our theoretical results, we design a simple multi-task model to control such confounding by leveraging human-annotated relevant sentences when available. Crucially, we give a principled characterization of data distributions where such confounding can be large thereby necessitating the use of human annotated relevant sentences to generate factual summaries. Our approach improves faithfulness scores by 20\% over strong baselines on AnswerSumm \citep{fabbri2021answersumm}, a conversation summarization dataset where lack of faithfulness is a significant issue due to the subjective nature of the task. Our best method achieves the highest faithfulness score while also achieving state-of-the-art results on standard metrics like ROUGE and METEOR. We corroborate these improvements through human evaluation.
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In the process of materials discovery, chemists currently need to perform many laborious, time-consuming, and often dangerous lab experiments. To accelerate this process, we propose a framework for robots to assist chemists by performing lab experiments autonomously. The solution allows a general-purpose robot to perform diverse chemistry experiments and efficiently make use of available lab tools. Our system can load high-level descriptions of chemistry experiments, perceive a dynamic workspace, and autonomously plan the required actions and motions to perform the given chemistry experiments with common tools found in the existing lab environment. Our architecture uses a modified PDDLStream solver for integrated task and constrained motion planning, which generates plans and motions that are guaranteed to be safe by preventing collisions and spillage. We present a modular framework that can scale to many different experiments, actions, and lab tools. In this work, we demonstrate the utility of our framework on three pouring skills and two foundational chemical experiments for materials synthesis: solubility and recrystallization. More experiments and updated evaluations can be found at
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This paper presents a novel federated reinforcement learning (Fed-RL) methodology to enhance the cyber resiliency of networked microgrids. We formulate a resilient reinforcement learning (RL) training setup which (a) generates episodic trajectories injecting adversarial actions at primary control reference signals of the grid forming (GFM) inverters and (b) trains the RL agents (or controllers) to alleviate the impact of the injected adversaries. To circumvent data-sharing issues and concerns for proprietary privacy in multi-party-owned networked grids, we bring in the aspects of federated machine learning and propose a novel Fed-RL algorithm to train the RL agents. To this end, the conventional horizontal Fed-RL approaches using decoupled independent environments fail to capture the coupled dynamics in a networked microgrid, which leads us to propose a multi-agent vertically federated variation of actor-critic algorithms, namely federated soft actor-critic (FedSAC) algorithm. We created a customized simulation setup encapsulating microgrid dynamics in the GridLAB-D/HELICS co-simulation platform compatible with the OpenAI Gym interface for training RL agents. Finally, the proposed methodology is validated with numerical examples of modified IEEE 123-bus benchmark test systems consisting of three coupled microgrids.
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